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Sunday, September 7, 2008

I saw you last night

I saw you last night

I could hear your laugh and feel the warmth of your smile.

I saw you last night.

I gave you a hug you were really there.

I saw you last night

When I saw you last night.

it was as if you never were gone.

I saw you last night.

We were lauughing, giggling and gosiping.

I saw you last night.

I felt your hair to make sure you were real.

I saw you last night

I thought you were a dream

I saw you last night

It was like that night never happened

I saw you last night.

and for a moment my world stood still

I saw you last night

and for a brief second this hole in my soul was gone.

I saw you last night.

And this morning you were still gone.


Unknown said...

What heartfelt, heartbreakingly poignant words.

Robin said...

Thank you.

Robin said...

Thank you Barbara. Please leave me your link and I will add your page to my sidebar so others can find you also.

Robin :)