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Monday, December 10, 2007


I'll never forget my best friends reaction the first morning he stayed @ my house after his Fiance and Mother of his child passed away. I woke up and started coffee as ususal. After this I started to fix my ususal breakfast. A egg sandwhich, with 2 eggs on toast. I had eatten the same breakfast for about 2 years. All of a sudden, he walks in the kitchen half asleep and looks @ me and asks "what'd you go and do that for?". The untold part of the story is that his fiance is the one who introduced me to this breakfast. He imediately went into the other room shut the door and stayed there for quite a while. I felt so bad but there is a truth to this moment that we often never think about. It is the simplest things that remind us of the people we know and love who have either gone before us or moved away. A song on the radio reminds you of driving down a long road with a dear friend on a road trip. A smell takes you back to your grandmother's house and reminds you of her cooking dinner. The smell of cedar may remind you of playing with toys in your grandmothers guest room. Anything can trigger a memory and remind you of something. A joke will make you want to rush to pick up the phone to tell the other person what happened. Our lives are so intertwined that we must never waste a single moment. We must cherish everything and never take people for granted.
It amazes me how my memories, at times, are as vivid as the moment when I lived it. The mind is a powerful thing and amazes someone. I cherrish the times I share with my friends; and I carry them with me every moment that they cross my mind. One sweet day we will see each other again; and until then in my heart is where they stay.


Mariposa said...

Lingering memories, fleeting thoughts...the are something I'm so familiar with...but they are supposed to paint a smile in our faces...they happened... ;)

Mariposa said...

I'm back...

Merry christmas!