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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Last Minute Christmas Shopping

I wrote this a few days ago but didn't post it on here when I wrote it. I realized that so I added it. Hope you like it.

Yeah I decided @ the last minute today I needed to go to Houston to shop for last minute Christmas gifts. Everyone here is either recovering from surgery, still jet lagged or sick; so I was bored outta my mind. I decide @ 1:30 to jump in the shower, grab my friends Christmas gifts (figured I could play Ms. Clause on the way back) and off I go. Now please remember the trek to Houston either involves Beaumont and puts you on the wrong side of town anyway or just deal with a 2 lane highway all the way to Livingston until you hit 59 (Real Highway for my friends who aren't from here) and then have fun keeping up. After riding an hour behind the slowest driver on the planet (don't you just love little old ladies that can't see over the steering wheel); I finally get to Livingston. Shortcut across town and I'm off. Ahh speed, accelration, TRAFFIC....I miss it!!!! Radio blaring, windows fun fun. I hit construction YAY More insanity 80 miles an hour and construction cones WAHOO!!!...then finally HUMBLE!!! YAY...I hit the strech between Kingwood and Humble going almost 80 and still getting passed...I LOVE IT!!!! It takes me 10 minutes to take the u-turn on 1960...this is what driving is supose to be like...horns honking..people not waving, radios blaring a million different songs (hey wait i love that song what station is he listening too)...ah I love it..Drive through the parking lot...woah don't wreck while looking @ the guy hot guy that just winked (oh wait that's a different blog lol) ( I love this city!!!) Run into the store.. Only have 20 minutes till they close. So I grab my items and wait in line for 20 minutes...YAY I miss wait in a store other than Walmart!!! YAY!! Then I'm off again...Next store...grab a couple of random things I didn't have on my list but man they were too cute!! Someone will like them...Standing in the checkout line forever...yay I love it!!!! Now I'm off again. Slow down..another WOW I miss this city!!!.Darn stores are all to get Wrappping paper!!! One more stop...I can't help but notice I only have 2 choices for wrapping paper @ this moment; oh well that will be ok. I hope the kids will like Christmas tree paper!!
I've decided @ this point that I'm having so much fun I'll drive by my old apartment. Ok Houstonians remember.. I lived @ the 610/I 10 Interchange by the galleria. Madness, mahem, rude drivers, again I feel like I'm on the set of the fast n the furious. I LOVE IT!!! fight my way to my exit..uh oh my exit's gone what's a girl to do. Never fear fight your way through one more exit and just loop around. Again this takes 10 minutes to go through the U-Turn and the longer it takes the happier I am. I'm loving it. I drive down Chimney Rock, zig zag some unknown road over to Sage and I'm on my way by the already closing galleria. It takes 30 minutes to get back on the freeway and i'm blaring the radio the entire time. (in the back of my mind i'm thinking "Man I miss this!!") and I do.
Don't get me wrong; I love my job; I love the people I work with, I love my students (yes, even the ones that make me pull my hair out) and I love this town because it's my hometown; but honestly I'm a city girl @ heart. I want shopping centers, and exquisite resturants and little cafe's downtown where I can play on my laptop , while drinking coffe and watch the people walk by. I miss walking around the Galleria, I miss the traffic, I miss the noise, the lights; even car alarms blaring all night!!! I even love having to set the alarm on my car and never dreaming of leaving one item in my car just incase my car disapears while i'm alseep. Yeah at 8 am on a monday morning; while stuck in traffic, I might sing a different song. But you take the good with the bad. So where will I be down the road only God really knows....what I do know is I'm gonna have to do that again next weekend. I had way too much fun!!!!

1 comment:

Wanderlust Scarlett said...

Ya little wild child!

Glad you had so much fun. Denver is waiting.

Scarlett & Viaggiatore