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Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm really not alone

It's been a long road this summer. It's new and scary and i'm worried sick at times. I'm looking for a job, single and pregnant. Two outta three of those are almost always scary situations, you combine all three and it's nerve racking. I've been looking for a job close to my parents but those doors are closing. It's ironic that for the first time I honestly want to be home near my family, but it seems God is pulling me away from here. As my job search is expanding farther from home, I keep saying, I can't do this alone...I can't do this alone... I can't do this alone. Well today that little voice kicked in and reminded me that I am not truely alone in this; God will get me through it. I'm not sure if I will be offered a job before my due date or not, but I'm thankful for the reminder that God is with me and will get me through this if I trust in him. Guess I need to remember to let go of the wheel; I can't really give him the wheel, if I keep grabbing it as he's steering it.

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